WhatsApp business API

Grow Your Restaurant with WhatsApp Business API

The food industry thrives on convenience and connection. The WhatsApp Business API offers restaurants a powerful tool to achieve both. This platform allows restaurants to seamlessly integrate WhatsApp Messenger into their operations, unlocking a treasure trove of benefits.

WhatsApp Business API Benefits for Restaurants

whatsapp business api
  • Enhanced Customer Service: Respond to customer queries quickly and efficiently, addressing concerns and taking orders directly through WhatsApp. This personalized approach supports loyalty and builds trust.
  • Streamlined Operations: Automate order confirmations, delivery updates, and reservation reminders. Free up staff from repetitive tasks and improve overall efficiency.
  • Targeted Marketing & Promotions: Reach out to existing customers and potential diners with targeted marketing campaigns. Share mouthwatering photos of your dishes, announce special offers, and run exclusive promotions through WhatsApp.
  • Richer Customer Engagement: Showcase your menu with high-quality images and descriptions. Utilize interactive buttons for easy ordering and feedback collection. This fosters a more engaging dining experience.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Gain valuable customer insights from interactions on WhatsApp. Analyze customer preferences and cut your offerings accordingly.

WhatsApp Business Messaging Pricing

Unlike the free WhatsApp Business app, the WhatsApp Business API operates on a pay-per-message model.


Ideal for Startups & Small Businesses.
Rs. 12,000/Year
  • Admin Based Login
  • Free META Business Portfolio Verifications
  • Marketing Conversation Rs. 0.78/Session
  • All Other Conversation Rs. 0.37/Session
  • Max File Size 5MB
  • Features : Self-Serve Onboarding & Setup, One-to-Many, Many-to-Many, Scheduling, Templates, Footer Messages, Credit & Debit Report, Delivery Report, Session & Delivery Wise Reports, Downloadable Reports, Live Campaign Report


Ideal for Enterprise-Level
Rs. 60,000/year
  • Role Based Login
  • Free META Business Portfolio Verifications
  • Marketing Conversation Rs. 0.75/Session
  • All Other Conversation Rs. 0.35/Session
  • Free 1000 Incoming Conversation
  • Max Messages / Day Unlimited
  • Max File Size 20MB
  • Features : Click2Call API Support, Live Agent Chat Support, Advanced Reports with Detailed Filters, Live Chat Interaction Analysis, All Standard + Conversation & Incoming Reports, Webhook Support, Dedicated Support Manager, Chat Automation, Outer API Acces, Live Campaign Reports

How WhatsApp Business API Fuels Your Restaurant Business

  • Catalog Management: Showcase high-resolution photos and detailed descriptions of your menu items directly within WhatsApp.
  • Quick Replies: Save time and ensure consistency with pre-defined responses to frequently asked questions.
  • Labels: Organize your customer interactions with labels to prioritize chats and personalize communication.

WhatsApp Business API Strategy

1. Research and Planning:

  • Define your goals for using WhatsApp Business API (e.g., improve customer service, increase orders).
  • Research competitor usage of WhatsApp Business API to understand best practices.
  • Identify your target audience on WhatsApp.

2. Account Setup:

  • Decide if you’ll manage the API directly or use a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider like PRP Services.
  • If managing directly, register your business for a WhatsApp Business API account.
  • If using a PRP Team Support, contact them to discuss your needs and choose a suitable plan.

3. Develop Your WhatsApp Presence:

  • Create a professional and informative WhatsApp Business profile with your restaurant details, logo, and contact information.
  • Craft a welcoming greeting message that automatically sends to new customers who initiate a chat.
  • Design a menu specifically for WhatsApp, including high-quality images and descriptions. Consider using the Catalog feature to showcase your offerings.

4. Enhance Communication:

  • Set up automated responses for frequently asked questions (FAQs) to save time and provide prompt answers.
  • Utilize quick replies to offer pre-written responses for common inquiries.
  • Train your staff on using WhatsApp for customer service, ensuring a friendly and professional tone.

5. Marketing and Engagement:

  • Create targeted marketing campaigns to reach your target audience on WhatsApp.
  • Leverage interactive features like buttons and polls within messages to keep customers engaged.
  • Run promotions and special offers exclusively for WhatsApp users to drive sales and loyalty.

6. Monitoring and Optimization:

  • Track key metrics like message open rates, click-through rates, and order conversions to measure your success.
  • Analyze customer feedback received through WhatsApp to identify areas for improvement.
  • Continuously refine your WhatsApp Business API strategy based on your results.

How to Use a WhatsApp Chatbot in Your Restaurant

  • Greeting & Ordering: Create a chatbot to greet customers, answer basic questions, and guide them through the ordering process.
  • Promotions & Recommendations: Utilize the chatbot to share special offers and recommend dishes based on past orders or customer preferences.
  • Feedback & Reviews: Collect valuable customer feedback through the chatbot and use it to improve your services and offerings.

Reach More Diners: WhatsApp Marketing for Restaurants

WhatsApp business api
  • Targeted Reach: Reach your target audience directly with personalized messages. Leverage location data to promote local deals or highlight delivery options.
  • Increased Engagement: Interactive features like buttons and polls within messages keep customers engaged and interested.
  • Boost Sales & Orders: Run targeted marketing campaigns to promote new menu items, announce limited-time offers, and encourage repeat business.
  • Build Brand Loyalty: Personalized communication and a convenient touchpoint foster a stronger connection with your customer base.

How Restaurants Can Benefit from Customer Service via WhatsApp

  • Faster Response Times: Address customer queries and concerns quickly and efficiently, leading to higher satisfaction.
  • Improved Resolution Rates: Real-time communication allows for in-depth conversations and a more thorough understanding of customer needs, leading to faster resolution.
  • Personalized Support: Provide one-on-one support, addressing specific customer needs and building stronger relationships.
  • Reduced Costs: Using a centralized platform like WhatsApp can streamline communication and potentially reduce customer service costs compared to traditional phone support.

Is WhatsApp Payment a Possibility for Restaurant Bills?

While currently not available in all regions, WhatsApp Pay is a promising feature for the future of restaurant payments. It allows customers to pay bills securely within the WhatsApp chat itself. This can simplify the payment process, improve convenience for customers, and potentially increase revenue.

Looking to Implement WhatsApp Business API for Your Restaurant?

PRP Services, a leading provider of WhatsApp Business API solutions, can help. Based in Delhi, Bangalore, and Mumbai, PRP Services offers a comprehensive suite of services to get your restaurant started with WhatsApp Business API. Their team of experts will guide you through every step of the process, from setting up your account to developing customized chatbots and marketing campaigns.
By embracing the power of WhatsApp Business API, restaurants can elevate their customer service, streamline operations, and ultimately drive growth. With its engaging features and targeted marketing capabilities, WhatsApp offers a unique opportunity to connect with your customers in a whole new way.

Contact us Now for more information.