Call forwarding

Business Call Forwarding Service: An In Depth Overview

Call Forwarding is a telephony feature that automatically redirects incoming calls to another number, such as a mobile phone, another landline, or even a voicemail service. Here’s a detailed look at what it entails:

What is Call Forwarding?

Call forwarding lets you reroute calls, from your number to another line. This could be another phone, a voicemail box or any device that can take calls.

Why Does Call Forwarding Exist?

The purpose of call forwarding is to make sure you don’t miss calls and can handle them efficiently when you’re not available. It boosts connectivity. Keeps communication smooth in situations:

  • During business meetings: Redirect calls to a colleague while you’re in a meeting.
  • While traveling: Send calls to your mobile or a temporary office line.
  • out of the office: Ensure crucial calls reach your mobile or home phone.

Is Call Forwarding a Feature or Service?

Call forwarding can be considered both a feature and a service:

  • Feature: It is often a built-in feature of many telephone systems and mobile phones.
  • Service: It can also be offered as a standalone service by telecommunication providers, especially in business communication packages.

Benefits of Call Forwarding, for Businesses

Call Forwarding
  • Better Customer Service: Ensure that customer calls are answered promptly even when the main recipient is not available.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Employees can handle calls without being confined to their desks.
  • Increased Flexibility: Calls can be forwarded to devices ensuring accessibility.
  • Cost Effectiveness: Reduces the need for phone lines. Improves call management without significant extra expenses.
  • Business Continuity: Guarantees business operations by preventing missed calls.

Key Features of Call Forwarding

  • Unconditional Call Forwarding: Redirects all calls to another number of the primary lines status.
  • Conditional Call Forwarding: Forwards calls only if the line is busy, unanswered or unreachable.
  • Selective Call Forwarding: Permits call forwarding from numbers.
  • Simultaneous Ring: Rings, on numbers to ensure quick responses.

Integration of Call Forwarding, in Different Services

Call forwarding is commonly included in a variety of telecommunications services, such as:

  • Mobile Phone Plans: Many phone providers offer call forwarding as a service.
  • VoIP Services: Internet based phone services frequently provide call forwarding as part of their offerings.
  • Business Phone Systems: Corporate phone systems often come with call forwarding capabilities.

Call Forwarding within IVR Systems

Indeed call forwarding is a feature found in IVR (Interactive Voice Response) systems. Within IVR setups call forwarding serves purposes like:

  • Directing calls to the department or agent based on user input.
  • Ensuring calls are answered promptly and efficiently.
  • Improving customer service by facilitating connectivity.

Advantages of Call Forwarding Feature in IVR and Other Services by PRP Services Pvt Ltd

PRP Services Pvt Ltd delivers cloud telephony solutions with call forwarding features. Here are the main benefits of utilizing PRP Services call forwarding feature in IVR systems and other services:


Advantages of Call forwarding

Improved Customer Service

  • 24/7 Availability: Calls can be routed to agents. Voicemail, outside regular business hours ensuring swift resolution of customer inquiries.
  • Reduced Waiting Times: Calls are directed to the representative, which helps in reducing customer wait times and enhancing satisfaction.

Enhanced Flexibility and Mobility

  • Facilitating Remote Work: Employees have the flexibility to answer calls, on their home phones enabling them to work from locations.
  • Effortless Call Management: Call forwarding guarantees that important business calls are always answered regardless of where the employeesre situated.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

  • Streamlined Call Handling: Calls are automatically routed to the department or individual ensuring call management.
  • Emphasis on Core Responsibilities: With call routing automated employees can dedicate time to tasks without being interrupted by incoming calls.

Cost Effective Solutions

  • Decreased Infrastructure Expenses: Utilizing cloud telephony and call forwarding can lessen the reliance on infrastructure.
  • Reduced Staffing Costs: Automated call handling minimizes the necessity, for customer service staff.


  • Handling High Call Volumes: Call forwarding enables businesses to manage numbers of calls without requiring lines or infrastructure.
  • Flexible Expansion: The ability to easily scale operations up or down based on business requirements without incurring expenses.

Use Cases

use cases of Call forwarding
Customer Service Centers
  • Scenario: A customer service center faces an influx of calls. Aims to ensure timely resolution of all customer inquiries.
  • Solution: Integrate call forwarding to direct calls, to agents whether they are on site or working remotely to ensure that all calls are answered promptly and reduce customer wait times.
  • Benefit: Enhance customer happiness. Streamline call handling processes.
Healthcare Providers
  • Scenario: A healthcare provider requires a system for managing appointment scheduling and inquiries.
  • Solution: Utilize call forwarding to guide calls to the departments such as scheduling, billing or patient inquiries ensuring patients receive assistance.
  • Benefit: Improve service quality and operational efficiency.
Financial Institutions
  • Scenario: When a bank receives a volume of calls regarding account inquiries, balance checks and transaction details.
  • Solution: Opt for call forwarding to direct calls to departments or representatives based on the nature of the query.
  • Benefit: Enhance customer satisfaction levels and decrease call handling duration.
E commerce Businesses
  • Scenario: An online retailer needs customer support, for order tracking, product details and returns processing.
  • Solution: Utilize call forwarding feature to route customer calls to the support team or representative swiftly.
  • Benefit: Increase customer satisfaction levels and expedite issue resolution.
Telecommunication Companies
  • Scenario: A telecom company provides services. Must handle customer queries related to service activation and troubleshooting.Transfer calls quietly Receive email updates daily
  • Solution: Implement call forwarding to direct calls to the correct department, ensuring customers receive the help they need quickly.
  • Benefit: Improved service delivery and customer retention.

Pricing for IVR Services with Call Forwarding Feature

Price: ₹3,750 per month
Key Features:

  • Unlimited Incoming Calls
  • Unlimited Call Recording
  • Unlimited IVR Edits
  • 3 Channel Pairing
  • Virtual Number Option
  • Toll-Free Choice
  • Call Forwarding

Toll-Free Helpline Package

Price: ₹2,499 per month

  • 2000 Free Incoming Minutes/Month
  • 2000 Free Outgoing Minutes/Month
  • Unlimited Call Recording
  • Two My Operator Numbers
  • Virtual Number
  • Toll-Free Number Option
  • Call Forwarding


Call forwarding is an essential telephony feature that enhances business communication by redirecting calls to the appropriate recipient, ensuring no call is missed. It offers significant benefits such as improved customer service, increased productivity, flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and business continuity. Integrated into various telecommunications services and IVR systems, call forwarding streamlines call management and operational efficiency. With tailored pricing packages, businesses can choose the right solution to optimize their communication systems and maintain high customer satisfaction.